
Hi, I’m Daniel

Welcome to my personal website where I am looking forward to share with you some of my best professional (and personal) accomplishments and background. Feel free to hop around and read some interesting content. I look forward to connecting soon!

A Little Bit About Me…

Welcome to my website and I hope you like my story. Feel free to browse around as you find out a bit more about my professional path and goals!

From digital marketing, communications, virtual event planning, and everything in between I have outlined all of my past roles and responsibilities. Check out some of my past roles and responsibilities.

For the past few years, I have been exploring and publishing blogs in numerous outlets. Feel free to check out my work in Simply Better Living, Ramapo News, and more!

Through different design softwares/programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Canva, I have been tasked to design graphics for print and social medias. You will be able to see some of my latest pieces of work!

Oprah Winfrey once said “to move forward, have to give back”. Through this page, you can see multiple philanthropic projects I have gotten my hands on and led.

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or by email/phone to continue this conversation!

To move forward, you have to give back.

Oprah winfrey

Stay In Touch

Email: daniel.troise@yahoo.com

Phone: (609) 848-4285